Maya Takagi

Mateus | She/They | Au Ra

A wandering bard, weaving tales for the stage and the page."Everyone deserves joy. Let's find some."

Trades: Bard, Courier, Laborer, Herbalist, Medic
Hobbies: Matchmaking & Mischief
Loves: humble people, animals, baked goods, puns, flirting, the stars.
Loathes: authority figures, braggarts and bullies, injustice, meat.
Free Company: The Tempest Talons
Workplaces: Oschon's Refuge for Adventurers
Leaf & Liqueur
Maya's Spotify Playlist


Born in Garlean occupied Nagxia and smuggled to Gridania when orphaned--Maya grew up on a Gridanian homestead named the "freak farm" by neighbors due to the non-Gridanian foster children living there.Taken by wanderlust in her teen years, Maya traveled to Ul'dah, working bars, markets, street corners, hospitals, cemeteries and mines - any job available to the uneducated and poor. After some poor choices made her the debt slave of an underworld boss, Maya quickly learned to read, write, steal, seduce, lie, cheat, and hurt. After fleeing that life, she joined the Gridanian army as a medic just before the battle of Carteneau.These days, Maya wanders Eorzea, gathering stories of adventurers and common folk alike, weaving them into public performances and prose. Her style is distinctively low-brow, crass, and bawdy - entertainment for the poor masses.She performs for room, board, and tips. In lean times (and they are mostly lean times), she camps under the stars or in haylofts above chocobo stables.Apart from her public persona, Maya works diligently to aide those in need, with a particular allegiance to the orphaned, abandoned, mistreated, and downtrodden.

Traits & Personality

Demeanor: Playful. Gregarious. Brash. Outgoing. Heart on her sleeve. A fiercely loyal friend and tenacious foe. Eagerly puts herself in harm's way to help others. Gifted at diffusing tense situations with kindness and attentiveness. Refuses to believe that all tragedy leads to trauma.Behavior: Course, provincial manner and dialect (think West Country / Devonshire), half country kid / half slum rat. A trained actor, can code switch to a more refined voice and manner as necessary.Wields humor as her sharpest weapon. Plays the good-natured fool, overemphasizing her ignorance, lack of means, and middling talent. Uses sarcasm only for her foes and authority figures and lives by the motto "never punch down."On the inside, she's quite self-conscious about her worth and place in the world.Physical Description: Raen. Hair adorned with a flower. Facial expression in a smirk, but never mocking. She wears boldly colored, monochromatic outfits (usually patched and mended from overuse). Frequently has a bruise, scar, or bandage somewhere on her body.Skills Writer. Orator of ballads in verse and prose. Juggler. Tumbler. Folk dancer. Herbalist. Field Medic. Writer of trash fiction (under the name Persis Tanner). A country kid, she knows to farm, sew, cook, raise animals, and survive in the wilderness. Her comfort in the wilds makes her an excellent courier or guide.

Adventure Hooks

Note: DM if any of these strike your fancy.

Note: Maya works great as a sidekick to other characters' adventures. Propose any idea and she'll probably fit in somewhere (is tiny). Excellent drinking buddy so share your life, loves, adventures, and woes.Debts: Does she owe you money? Or did she give up her last coin to help you out of a bind?Speedy Delivery: Maya is a courier - a freelance transporter of rare and dangerous goods. What's she bringing you?Veterans: Were you at Carteneau, Baelser's Wall, the Ghimlyt, the Ilsabard Contingent? Perhaps a plunky young medic from the Twin Adders gave you aid, or failed to save one of your comrades?Adventure Time: She'll help you overcome a long time foe or solve a mystery from your past. Bring Maya along to chronicle your adventure, entertain you, and cook delicious meals.Maya's Matchmaking Service: Eager to help you find true love and companionship. She also liberates folks from unhealthy relationships, and banishes evil exes.Romance: A notorious flirt. Will cuddle everyone. Fancies fellow rebels, anarchists, outcasts, and troublemakers. Is madly in love with, and committed to, P'ranya Kharra, a vivacious and irresistible Miqo'te.Goals: 1) to travel the world and talk to everyone in it. 2) to help the people of the world rebuild after the war. 3) to pay off her significant debts to organized crime (and not be killed by them). 4) to spread love and joy

Recent Exploits

Some of Maya's recent adventures with friends

Street Smart, Book Stupid: Maya works as a courier and field medic for an adventurer's guild. In addition to organizing community service projects throughout Eorzea, Maya plays the part of worldly big sister to the students.The Dry Road: Maya eagerly volunteered to organize a caravan of Gridanian citizens dying of consumption (tuberculosis) to Ul'dah, where the dry climate would aid their condition. The trip was completed successfully, but Maya accrued serious debts.Red Death: A powerful red mage will pay anyone to deliver Maya - alive - into his hands.Mysterious Maiden of Doma: In order to prevent a young girl from being wed to a slimebag Ul'dah merchant, Maya has infiltrated his inner circle posing as a mysterious geiko from Doma. Her hope is to find evidence that can ruin the man, and thus cancel the betrothal.Big Bad Dragon Man: A corrupted Ishgardian knight, addicted to dragon blood, murdered several Dravanians to feed his addiction. Along with her gang of gal friends - The Book Club - Maya tracked down the dragon man and put him to rest.

Out of Character

About me: Based in North America, born in UK, Asian ancestry. 40+. Non-binary. Leftist activist who doesn't talk politics online. Fairly anonymous with personal details.Roleplay style: Usually in-character in-game. Interested in developing long-running friendships and storylines. 2-3 sentence or short paragraph writing (more screenwriting than novelistic). Will mirror multi-para. Again - not a good match for "evil" characters / settings.Conflicts and Storylines: I'm accustomed to TTRPGs with mechanics for social conflicts. Since this doesn't exist in FF14, I negotiate and plan out conflicts or major character developments OOC before hand.Lore: All roleplay takes place in a universe where none of our characters are the warrior of light. References to locations and cultures should align with the established fiction (not interested in lore breaks like vampire characters, etc). Maya is a low power character - a regular person with no aether abilities - but has a good understanding of the legends and lore.Red Flags: Sociopathic, narcissistic, or anti-social characters are NOT a good match for me or Maya unless they are on an arc toward change / redemption / etc. (in which case I've got you). I encounter enough of those people in the real world.Requests: All roleplay must be consent based with a clear separation between IC/OOC. Keep emotionally needy OOC behavior away from me and my character or I will ignore you.Be transparent about RP goals. I love the social dynamics and roleplay styles in FF14. Not here to shame anyone with good intentions. Mature themes are ok with clear boundaries.Maya is a bit of a chaos gremlin, troublemaker, and constant teaser, but she and I sincerely support each person's right to pleasure. Happy roleplaying!